
 A template for quickly building login systems on top of Node.js; a fork of    
 the "node-login" project.                                                    
nogin [help|(add|create|remove|delete|update|view|read)] [options]            
nogin help for the allowable options of the verbs.                


--NL_EMAIL_USER user                   Email user. Required; no defaults.                                            
--NL_EMAIL_PASS pass                   Email password (for `NL_EMAIL_USER`). Required; no defaults.                  
--NL_EMAIL_HOST host                   Email host. Required; no defaults.                                            
-f, --NL_EMAIL_FROM from               Email "from". Required; no defaults.                                          
--NS_EMAIL_TIMEOUT timeout-in-ms       Millisecond duration for attempting to send emails. Defaults to 5000.        
--NL_SITE_URL url                      Email site URL. Base URL added within password reset and activation emails.  
                                        Required; no defaults.                                                        
--PORT port                            HTTP/S port. Defaults to 3000                                                
--loggerLocale locale                  Locale for server log messages; defaults to "en-US".                          
-l, --noLogging                        Whether to disable logging; defaults to `false` (logging is enabled).        
-n, --DB_NAME name                     Database name; defaults to "nogin"                                            
-t, --DB_HOST host                     Database host; defaults to ""                                        
-p, --DB_PORT port                     Database port; defaults to 27017                                              
-u, --DB_USER user                     Database user; only needed with env=production                                
-x, --DB_PASS password                 Database password; only needed with env=production                            
--secret secret                        `cookieParser` secret. Required; no defaults.                                
--cwd cwd path                         Current working directory; used with `--config`; defaults to `process.cwd()`  
-d, --JS_DIR path                      Not normally needed; used to point to instrumented path. Defaults to          
--localesBasePath path                 Points to a base path for finding locales. Defaults to `app/server`. Only    
                                        needed if overriding built-in locales.                                        
--postLoginRedirectPath path or URL    Points to a path or URL to which to redirect after users successfully log in.
                                        Defaults to `/home` (or locale equivalent). Note that if you are overriding  
                                        this option, you should provide another means to your users to visit `/home`,
                                        e.g., through the accessibility-recommended approach of having a site-wide    
                                        navigation bar, so as to allow your users to update or delete their accounts.
                                        Note that this option will be overridden by any `redirect` query parameter    
                                        present in the URL.                                                          
--customRoute locale=route=path        A convenience to allow overriding the default route name per locale, e.g.,    
                                        `en-US=home=/updateAccount` would change the `/home` path to `/updateAccount`
                                        for the `en-US` locale. If present, this will take precedence over the        
                                        routes in `localesBasePath`.                                                  
--rootUser user                        Users who are granted all available privileges to view and edit users.        
--crossDomainJSRedirects               Whether to allow cross-domain redirects (for some values set by              
                                        `customRoute`). Note that the very old Firefox 2 will not be able to make    
                                        cross-domain redirects regardless of this setting, so it will always use the  
                                        (safe) locale redirect.                                                      
--composeResetPasswordEmailView path   Path to a Node file that will be imported. The file must have an ESM default  
                                        function export that accepts the template options (_, jml, baseurl, name,    
                                        user, passKey, fromText, fromURL). Defaults to                                
--composeActivationEmailView path      Path to a Node file that will be imported. The file must have an ESM default  
                                        function export that accepts the template options (_, jml, baseurl, name,    
                                        user, activationCode, fromText, fromURL). Defaults to                        
--requireName                          Whether to require a name (separate from user name, as in a real name) from  
                                        users. Default is `false`.                                                    
--staticDir absolute path              Point to absolute path at which to serve static files on the same server.    
                                        Multiple allowed. Not required. To require serving within a particular non-  
                                        root path, use `router` with Express' `app.get()` or ``. See          
--middleware path                      Path to a Node file that will be imported. The file must have an ESM default  
                                        function export that will be passed the resolved options. Multiple allowed.  
                                        Not required. To require serving within a particular non-root path, use      
                                        `router` with Express' `app.use()`. See                                      
--router path                          Path to a Node file that will be imported. The file must have an ESM default  
                                        function export that will be passed the Express `app` instance and resolved  
                                        options. Not required.                                                        
--fallback path                        Path to a Node file that will be imported. Use for a file server. The file    
                                        must have an ESM default function export that will be passed the `req`        
                                        object, `res` object, and `next` function. Probably required.                
--useESM                               Mainly for easier debugging. Whether to use browser ESM source modules where  
                                        available in place of compiled IIFE code. Defaults to `false`.                
--noPolyfill                           Whether to drop the core-js polyfills for compatibility with older browsers.  
                                        Defaults to `false`.                                                          
--injectHTML path                      Path to a Node file that will be imported. The file must have an ESM default  
                                        function export that will be passed a config object, including a `template`  
                                        string indicating the template being built. Must return an object with any of
                                        4 optional methods (`headPre`, `headPost`, `bodyPre`, and/or `bodyPost`)      
                                        which should either be an HTML string or an array of Jamilih children to be  
                                        appended at the given position (or return an empty array to add nothing). Not
-c, --config config path               Used to set config; when `cwd` is set, defaults to "/nogin.json"; of    
                                        lower priority than other CLI arguments; may also be a JavaScript file        
--countryCodes country code            Two-letter country codes as JSON array; defaults to codes in                  
-a, --adapter "mongodb"                The database adapter to use. Defaults to "mongodb", the only current option.  
--favicon favicon path                 The path to a favicon; defaults to blank.                                    
--stylesheet stylesheet path or URL    The path to a custom CSS stylesheet; defaults to no extra stylesheets being  
--noBuiltinStylesheets                 Whether to suppress addition of built-in stylesheets, Bootstrap, and gh-fork-
                                        ribbon.css. Defaults to `false`, i.e., built-in stylesheets are applied.      
--userJS path or URL                   Regular client-side JavaScript file to load after other scripts (none by      
--userJSModule path or URL             ESM client-side JavaScript file to load after other scripts (none by default)
--localScripts                         Whether to load framework scripts locally instead of via CDN. Defaults to    
--fromText from                        Person's name to include as from text in email notifications (password        
--fromURL URL                          URL of person to include as link on from text in email notifications          
                                        (password resets).                                                            
-s, --SERVE_COVERAGE                   Whether to host coverage within `/coverage`; defaults to `false`.            
-r, --RATE_LIMIT rate limit            Used for mitigating DoS attacks; defaults to 700                              
--disableXSRF                          Disable Cross-site Resource Forgery checking. This setting should normally    
                                        not be used.                                                                  
--noHelmet                             Disable helmet use entirely. Off by default.                                  
--noHostValidation                     Disable hostValidation use entirely. Off by default.                          
--helmetOptions options                Options to be supplied to helmet. Defaults to `{frameguard: {action:          
--csurfOptions options                 Options to be supplied to csurf. Defaults to `{cookie: {signed: true,        
                                        sameSite: "lax"}`; you may wish to add `secure: true` to the `cookie` if      
                                        serving on HTTPS.                                                            
--sessionCookieOptions options         Options to be supplied to `cookie` of `express-session`.Defaults to          
                                        {sameSite: 'lax'}                                                            
--sessionOptions options               Options to be supplied to `express-session`.Defaults to {resave: true,        
                                        saveUninitialized: true} along with `cookie: sessionCookieOptions`, `secret`,
                                        and `store: MongoStore.create({mongoUrl: DB_URL})`                            
--transferLimit limit                  Options to be supplied to `express.json` and `express.urlencoded`. Defaults  
                                        to 10mb                                                                      
--signupAgreement string               JSON containing locale-keyed signup agreements. Defaults to no signup        
-v, --version                                                                                                        
-h, --help